Nordvisor: Ett samlingsverk från Nordvis
“Nordvisor” is the inaugural chapter in a series of vinyl releases chronicling the musical essence of Nordvis and the artists whose passions fuel its fires. It focuses on analogue, folkish expressions – distilling the melancholy and beauty inherent in the wilderness, transforming them into music that resonates with the primal force of nature itself...
May 23 2024
- #Örnatorpet
- #Bhleg
- #Blood and Sun
- #Hagathorn
- #Grift
- #Over the Voids
- #Fields of Mildew
- #JoDöden
- #Undantagsfolk
- #Prag 83
- #Sons of Crom
- #Draugurinn
- #Varde
- #Saiva
- #Forndom
- #folk music